Broken Bells Dropped
Brian Burton (Danger Mouse) and James Mercer's (The Shins) collaboration, Broken Bells, release their self-titled album today. If anybody's interested... They perform at SXSW on the 17th.
Brian Burton (Danger Mouse) and James Mercer's (The Shins) collaboration, Broken Bells, release their self-titled album today. If anybody's interested... They perform at SXSW on the 17th.
Hey, it's your doppelganger! I'm digging this song. Broken Bells is going on my "must see" list for SXSW. Of course, that list is already ridiculously long. I'll be lucky to see half the bands I want to see.
If sacklunch would grow out his izro, we'd have something.
I like their track, Vaporize. I see that NPR has an interview available:
Looking forward to your SXSW reporting.
dig this song
I was listening to Oh Inverted World the other day and remembering how great it is. I guess I left it for a few years to get Zach Braff's face out of my psyche.
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