Blowing up like a ghetto blaster
TV On the Radio @ 9:30 Club - Monday, June 8, 2009 - ~$31
Let's have a look at Golden Age from TVOTR, last night's headliners at the 9:30 Club.
Personally, I think this song is reminiscent of Michael Jackson's Wanna Be Startin' Something. There was a moment last night when I thought TVOTR sounded a bit like Us-era Peter Gabriel too.
What makes a crowd go so nuts for the Doves, who performed to a sold-out 930 show Saturday night, as compared to a politely enthusiastic crowd for a sold-out TVOTR? I don't get it. TVOTR's music seems much more energizing (and danceable) than the Doves, yet the Doves' audience was vociferous and squeezed a second encore out of the English birdmen.
TVOTR return for a second show at the 930 Club tonight with opening act Dirty Projectors (stupid band name).
Good call on the similarity to the King of Pop. I was wondering why that song sounded so familiar.
Good show last night.
TVOTR played Austin on this tour but I was too cheap to pony up the $30+ for a ticket. Was it worth it?
BTW, I used to hate Dirty Projectors. The dude's singing voice drove me nuts. However, just as with The Decemberists, I've had a change of heart. I like the new album and that "Knotty Pine" song they did with David Byrne is awesome.
BTW, that's one fucked up video. I mean, I like rainbows too, but that's fucking weird.
I think Malitz's Postrock review hit the nail on the head. When TVOTR play the more upbeat/rock tracks, they are excellent. When they delve in the the proggy, art-rock shit, I think they are less successful. "Wolf Like Me" was definitely a highlight. I also liked the 2 songs they played off of "Young Liars" and the closer ("DLZ"). Lowlights included the first song of the encore, "Family Tree" and the closer (when they brought all the DP guys and gals on stage.
Other tidbits:
-We/I had this horrible PDA couple making out next to me the entire show. Emma Peel was convinced that the dude was a GI on leave from Iraq. I disagree. I mean, is that really what you are going to do when you get home from the war? "Hey, baby, lets go see this art-rock band from Brooklyn at the 930 club.." I seriously thought he was going to attempt standing doggie during "Family Tree".
-The thing hanging behind the stage reminded me of the Aids Quilt.
-Sitek attached windchimes to the neck of his guitar. Cool.
-It was hot as shit in there. I had huge pit stains by the end of the evening.
this doesn't count as a show review, and I know that's what you're thinking
also your pitstains predated the show, and we know this because you took the time to show them to everyone
considering sacklunch's track record, I think this is about as informative as his review would likely be. Mark it Dude.
I concur. This is the review.
Yes, the pitstains were starting to form prior to the show, yet were exasperated by the high heat of the 930 Club.
I could also smell the (male and female) musk coming off of the couple next to me. The pump had been primed.
I was in the crowd recently for an outside show and the b.o. smell around me was unreal. Texas heat + dirty hipsters = nasty musk funk.
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