I Demand That We Attend This Show
LCD Soundsystem, May 13. I love this band. Here's the new vid for "North American Scum".
LCD Soundsystem, May 13. I love this band. Here's the new vid for "North American Scum".
(A concert reviewer for the Washington Post once told me to give my opinion up front. Here goes...)
The Fake Accents rolled out a harder, more punk sound at their Galaxy Hut show. Playing a plethora of new songs, the band simply tore the shit up. Tore it up! The performance solidified them as my favorite DC band. I said favorite! Rock Club Rating: 7.8! That's right, a 7.8! Why am I repeating myself? Why am I yelling? And why is my voice so high pitched?
Whoa, I need to settle down. I got a little worked up. Where was I? Oh yeah, The Fake Accents review. The evening began at my place where Jenny made us a nice spread of food and Oliver tried to bite Sacklunch in the nads. It took me many hours to teach Oliver that trick. Soon after the attempted ball biting we made our way over the Galaxy Hut.
The opening band was Impossible Hair. All I remember is they started with a campy song about ponies (or was it My Little Pony?) and then kicked straight into hardcore song. I loved it. However, I didn't listen to them too much because I was busy drinking and giving Potsy unsolicited advice on ass bouncing. I wouldn't hesitate to see them again though. I might even pay attention.
About three songs into the Fake Accents set, I questioned whether I was too kind in my opinion of the band. Were they really that good or was I just enjoying the show because of numerous pitchers of Magic Hat #9? Looking around the cramped bar, it was clear I wasn't the only one into the performance. This was confirmed when the crowd coaxed the band into playing an encore. I've never seen that happen in a small club like the Galaxy Hut. Of course, it helped that the Fake Accents rained thousands of dollars on the crowd, setting off a frenzy unseen this side of a Vegas strip club. Slick move.
While the harder sound and new punk stuff was great, I have one criticism. They have a good thing going with the alternating singers. However, things fall off when the bassist takes the lead. She doesn't have the haunting or edgy vocals of someone like Kim Gordon. It's a stark shift when she takes the mic after a bunch of songs by the guys. The music for her song may have been the best of the night, but the vocals just didn't seem a good fit. I'm curious what it would sound like with one of the guys singing. My guess: better.
"Final Thoughts" (my tribute to Jerry Springer. You you read this, picture me extra serious, sitting on a stool, speaking with a self-righteous tone of voice)
Over the past few years, there has been a backlash towards the traditional DC sound. It's considered uncool to sound like a Dischord band. Hell, even Dischord doesn't sound like Dischord. Aquarium, The Evens, Soccer Team? Not exactly Minor Threat. I like the Fake Accents because they don't apologize for sounding like a DC band or for gleaming from Pavement, Sonic Youth, The Pixies, etc. Do they Fake Accents sound like other bands? Sure. Do they embrace the DC sound and do it justice? Fuck yes they do. Do I like to ask myself questions and then answer them, Donald Rumsfeld style? You're damn right. Bottom line, they play fun, instantly likable indie rock. That's more than you can say about 90% of the other bands out there (we're looking at you, Cedars).
Okay, one last try with the "Who's Coming?" posts. Apparently the table I'm posting is screwing up the formatting for people accessing this blog via some as-yet-determined version of Internet Explorer. I didn't see the problem in Firefox, but if any of my people are suffering, I suffer as well. Blogger really, really sucks in terms of formatting posts. And again, the image above is from The Exorcist III, which I highly recommend.
Okay, here goes:
Date | Venue | Band | ||
3/2/2007 | Black Cat | The Thermals | ||
3/4/2007 | Black Cat | Grizzly Bear | ||
3/5/2007 | Birchmere | Christopher Cross | ||
3/6/2007 | State Theater | Of Montreal | ||
3/6/2007 | 9:30 | Badly Drawn Boy | ||
3/16/2007 | RNRH | The Raveonettes | ||
3/23/2007 | RNRH | The Walkmen | ||
3/24/2007 | Black Cat | The Ponys | ||
3/27/2007 | Black Cat | Fake Accents | ||
4/3/2007 | RNRH | The Long Winters | ||
4/6/2007 | Wolf Trap | Roger McGuinn | ||
4/7/2007 | 9:30 | Kaiser Chiefs | ||
4/9/2007 | RNRH | Erase Errata | ||
4/10/2007 | 9:30 | Low | ||
4/13/2007 | Black Cat | Junior Boys | ||
4/17/2007 | 9:30 | Ratatat | ||
4/18/2007 | 9:30 | TV On The Radio | ||
4/19/2007 | 9:30 | TV On The Radio | ||
5/2/2007 | RNRH | Sunset Rubdown | ||
5/4/2007 | DAR | Arcade Fire | ||
5/13/2007 | 9:30 | LCD Soundsystem |
I fixed up the web site a little. First, I corrected the issue that was pushing the side info to the bottom of the page. Good god that was a pain. Other changes:
- Schedule for who picks the show is posted through June
- Under "the bands", the links now goes to the review, instead of the bands web site
- I added a movies section and linked to the reviews
I considered adding a section for album reviews, but no one seems to care about those. If you have any other suggestions for the site, let me know.
I'm aware my Fake Accents review is way overdue. This is known as "procrastination". It's an advanced writing technique you wouldn't understand. Of course, it didn't help that I drank a lot of beer that night and waited this long to write the review. Look for lots of fabrications when I finally finish the post.
Mooney Suzuki,
climbing on the amps, sprinting around the stage, jumping, screaming, etc. Lead singer Sammy James, Jr. kept up some sort of negro preacher patter in-between songs, all show long. He’s an Adam Goldberg look-alike, for the record.
share it with everyone because of the noise. I was thinking, if I were a cable access network producer, I would have a show featuring midgets and call it Small Talk. Just let the midgets talk, like the McLaughlin Group. They could discuss where they buy clothes, for example. I assume there’s midget clothing stores, just as there are big & tall boutiques. I suppose a midget can just buy kids’ sizes, but what self-respecting midget wants to walk around wearing Grrrranimals?
the short where normal, adult-sized people weren’t allowed. As
Since we're all playing the separated at birth game, I wanted to post Exhibit A in the case of "Statehood Members Who Look Alike" (quotes added for James' "benefit").
In the upper left hand corner is Leigh, the guitarist who joined the band a few months ago. In the lower right is Clark, the lead singer. Basically, if Leigh put on 15 pounds and had lighter hair, they'd be the same person. I'll also note that Joe (upper right) could get work as an Abe Lincoln impersonator if he put in a little effort. Just an idea, in case the drumming thing doesn't work out.
BTW, I'm really looking forward to their show with The Thermals. That's a stellar rock lineup.
Midlake - February 7, 2007 - Rock & Roll Hotel ($12)
After an unexpectedly long "break," Rock Club braved the bitter cold and headed back to the Rock & Roll Hotel to reacquaint ourselves with live music. I'll be honest. I'm growing tired of writing these reviews. So I'll keep this short, in keeping with our time at the show.
The show (for us) began with opening act St. Vincent, which consisted of a bespectacled young woman with a waivering voice and supporting musicians whom I never saw. There was a really good crowd present for this show (thanks to Jason Lee's Myspace.com posts, I suspect), so I couldn't see to the front of the stage to see who else was with her. But it was at least a drummer. The geeky indie rocker was compared to Lisa Low-eb (as it was pronounced to me), but I didn't think she had that same sweet/yet annoying quality that Ms. Loeb had. But maybe she did share the same annoying quality as I was the only one who stayed until St. Vincent was finished. The rest of RC went back upstairs for free-form rap and bongo music. St. Vincent wasn't bad. Not my favorite either, but I if owned a coffee shop, I'd let her play there.
Too much time was spent hooking up the 4 or 5 separate keyboards, the LCD projector and screen, but after a few ear-piercing bits of feedback faded Midlake began their set. The first thing I noticed about this band was their impressive harmonizing. Singer/songwriter Tim Smith & guitarist Eric Pulido do that very well together. And it fits well for the soft-rock that they basically play. This is the music that you play for your special lady as you get her drunk and light the candles. I'm sure that TJ and Jimbromski were pleased when "Roscoe" was the 2nd song performed. They had been talking about that tune before the show, and I'm sure it made it easier to leave early once they heard it.
I only stayed for about 6 songs or so before I felt like I had enough to get the point. I would have needed to listen to more of their studio albums to have stayed for the whole thing. The rock quotient was relatively low, which made it tough to stick with after a while. Overall, I thought they put on a high quality show. Good sound, good performance. But I wouldn't fight you for a ticket to their next show.
As for separated at birth, how about these two Erics?
Okay, more shows on tap. Note that Yacht Rocker Christopher Cross is playing the Birchmere on March 5. Erin, if you've by some miracle snagged a lady friend by that date, I strongly suggest you take her to that show. Lovemaking and assplay are sure to follow.
Note also Roger McGuinn, ex-Byrds frontman, will be bringing his folky-acoustic stylings to Wolf Trap on April 6. That show would go well with a nice French cheese and some Chardonnay.
And finally, 2006 Album of the Year Winners Erase Errata will visit the Rock and Roll Hotel on April 9. I'll probably still be sore from the McGuinn show, however.
* I found some Christopher Cross photos (now and then). The "now" photos are amusing, it appears that Cross, Frank Black, and Kyle Gass are all sharing the same corpus.
Okay, it's my week next week (2/10 - 2/16). That means we're playing by my rules. And the rules are, there's no rules. Got it? Good.
Okay, I was wrong about Mooney Suzuki--it's on Feb 14, not Feb 16, as noted in an earlier post. I vote for this show for the following reasons:
1--I have seen them before. They opened for The Hives in New York. It was a high-energy, hard rock show, and the two guitarists placed themselves at considerable physical risk by climbing on top of the amps for an extended guitar solo. Also, the small, balding drummer, who was wearing a beige tanktop, goose-stepped about the stage holding a plastic coiled cobra above his head while this solo was taking place. It was rad. My good friend Matt Stutts can vouch for this, he attended the same show.
2--We haven't been to the 9:30 in a while and I miss it terribly.
3--A few of this band's songs can be heard occasionally in strip clubs, as well as on the Madden
Football soundtrack.
Second choice would be either The Deerhooves, who we've seen before, or maybe the Apples in Stereo, although I think Erin's seen them and given them a big thumbs-down.
Note that Mooney Suzuki plays on Valentine's Day, so get your lovemaking in early, then head to the club like a real man would.
It seems a bit odd to me that the last "show" RC attended was last month, and was a "Potsy show." This means that I am about lap the rest of Rock Club by providing the next event. Granted, RC x 3/4 has seen the 1968 Elvis Comeback Special; another treat from 1968, The Doors in Europe, 1968; as well as the Kids Are Alright from the Who, in the intervening weeks. But those 3 "films" were actually viewed within the same week, I believe. So that should tell us something. What it tells me is that there is only so much entertainment to be had before you need a rest. That's where the term "hiatus" comes into play.
A word about the Elvis Comeback Special...if you've never seen it, it's tripfantastic. The dance sequences alone will make you wonder if someone has slipped something into your drink. Now, I love Elvis. I love what he stands for, and I love what he did for rock n roll. But I've given this a lot of thought recently, and I've concluded that Elvis was set up for failure. He was a pretty-boy who was set up to make a lot of people rich (including Elvis), but his limitations as an artist were quickly revealed, and it eventually led to him being a wasted, bloated, under-educated man laying dead on his bathroom tile. Look no further than the out takes from the Comeback Special, and tell me that he doesn't lack a basic talent for "live" performance. If you can't remember the words to Lawdy, Miss Clawdy (among others), are you really the King of Rock n Roll? He was great in the studio, but beyond that, he's really a prop, held up by good musicians on stage. I could write a thesis on this subject, there's so much evidence out there to support it. Look at one of his most memorable hits, "Blue Suede Shoes." Don't forget that Carl Perkins actually wrote and popularized this song before Elvis usurped it from Perkins following Perkins's near fatal car crash. There's so much more, but I've got other things to do than spell it all out for you. Bottom line, Elvis had good raw talent in the 1950s, made some great records throughout his career, but under close inspection he doesn't really live up to his super star position in music. He was a prop.
Moving on, I've looked about and have found it a challenge to identify anything of great quality for this week in Rock Club, but I did check out Midlake as was posted by Jimbromski below. If My Name is Earl star, and super skate boarder Jason Lee likes them, then I think we should check them out. So, next show: Wednesday, February 7th at the Rock & Roll Hotel.