Thermal Dynamics
The Thermals - May 13, 2009 @ The Black Cat $13
Always good to see an enthusiastic crowd for a DC show. It doesn't happen with any regularity, but every once in a while, DC eats itself a bran muffin and lets loose. The folks who gathered together on Wednesday night made a decent show an enjoyable show for me. And while The Thermals delivered a solid performance, in their past two shows they have failed to conjure the same sense of shock and awe as they did in March of 2007.
Last night's show suffered from a soggy middle where the songs (newer ones I suspect) seemed less earnest and lacking the passion that I remember their earlier performances. Still, the crowd stuck with them faithfully, and the pogo-stick of a young lady in front of me proved that The Thermals still stoke the fire in the bellies of today's youth. Though she may have been on pills.
I haven't really listened close to Now We Can See, so that biases me against the unfamiliar, but like Andy Rooney, I like the ol' stuff better.
Jumbo Slice isn't the only DCRC twit. Here's what I thought was interesting in less than 140 characters:
The Thermals at the Black Cat. Good crowd.
The Thermals at the Black Cat. Girl jumps on stage. Girl gets thrown out.The Thermals at the Black Cat. Yet there is a Charles Manson figure in the back...
I love how the drummer eggs on the audience.
Nirvana cover.[Sappy - didn't delight as much as one might have expected]
Breeders cover.
Nice recap. I agree, the set sagged a bit in the middle, but overall it was quite good. Highlights for me included "Here's Your Future", "No Culture Icons", and the Breeders cover , "Saints".
And yes, "Sappy" did not get the crowd response I expected, probably due to the young age of said crowd.
number of twitter/text reviews in past few weeks: 3. 9:47 AM May 15 from txt.
for fuck's sake please stop it. 9:48 AM May 15 from txt.
sent from my cockPhone
Dude, why are your updates protected?! What are you hiding from us?! If you're protecting all of the awesome details of your dates I am going to be hacked off. Seriously. I like details. Well, I like details about dates.
Dude, why are your updates protected?! What are you hiding from us?! If you're protecting all of the awesome details of your dates I am going to be hacked off. Seriously. I like details. Well, I like details about dates.
jimbromski, you need to embrace web 2.0. Don't fight it. You will be assimilated by force if necessary.
What's this Barchbo/Super Zoe bizness? This dual personality tomfoolery is the reason I've locked down my tweets. I can't trust anybody....
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