'Stache for Cash
Before: Beardy Face

After: Baby Face
Eric Axelson is known for playing bass in such bands as The Dismemberment Plan, Maritime, and most recently, Statehood. He's also known for his gloriously grizzly Nordic beard. Well, Eric shaved it off and for one month is going straight 'Stache. It's all part of the Capitol Letters Moustache-a-thon 2009, a charity event to raise money for the Capital Letters Writing Center. The center supports student writers through workshops and tutoring. As someone who struggles with even the basic rules of grammar, I fully support the Writing Center. Everyone should know how to properly use words such as "affect", "whom", and "pants".
You can follow the growth of Eric's mustache at his blog, Camp Teacherman. Better yet you can pledge your support at http://www.capitolletters.org/moustacheathon. Scroll down to Eric A and hit that donate button. The first moustache progress check-in is 7 p.m. tonight at Asylum (2471 18th St NW). Stop by for a drink and laugh and all the stubbly lip hair.
I've always been a fan of building incentives or disincentives into the growth of facial hair. You've been more personally involved as I recall. How did that recent weight loss bet you had with your brother go down, JumboSlice?
I actually thing Eric was born with a beard and should keep it in perpetuity. Like Kenny Rogers, once you grow something so iconic, you can't just walk away from it.
The indie equivalent of Kenny Rogers has to be Tim Harrington of Les Savy Fav. Eric is a close second.
My brothers and a few buddies from back home had a weight loss contest. If you didn't reach your goal weight on time you had to grow a mustache until you lost the weight. We all look ridiculous w/ mustaches so we were all pretty motivated. It was funny to see the pics of those that failed.
If Tim gets to be Kenny Rogers, I get to be Barry Gibb. No, I'm not Jive Talking.
I was thinking Merlin Olsen.
Father Murphy era, not Little House.
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