I'm going to Spaceland
August 5, 2008
It's Tuesday and time to pick a clip from YouTube to ponder.
This week I'd like to turn our attention to the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. I have been accused of being a disloyal subject to His Majesty by some of my club mates, a charge which I vehemently deny.
This past week I saw in my favorite newspaper, The Express, that the folks at Graceland have embraced Web 2.0. As reported, the keepers of the Presley estate have partnered with MySpace.com to put on an online Karaoke contest through http:/
This contest coincides with my recent discovery of EricElviss. If you can believe it, Mr. Elviss has 191 videos posted on YouTube. I'll share one with you below.
"Very Good."
- Pink Flamingo
- Bucket of roses
- Tucan mobile
- Peach colored "scarf"
- "Tight cuddling"
The resemblance to your place is eerie. I thought you were the only one who liked to decorate with pink flamingos and American flags (indoors that is).
Is it wrong that I'm not an Elvis fan? Maybe I need to visit Graceland to really get it. I should have stopped there when I drove through Memphis on my way to Austin.
It's not wrong. It's just unAmerican.
I have a slew of new flags hanging up in my place in anticipation of the medal ceremonies in Beijing. You'll love them.
If you're hanging flags in anticipation of the medal ceremonies, they should probably be Chinese flags. I have a feeling we're going to get mopped up in the total medal count. Not that I give a shit. As long as we win gold in hoops, I could care less about the other sports. We need to reassert our basketball dominance. It's like having the Rock Olympics and the Classic Rock category won by Greece. Sure, we'll give them Adult Contemporary, but not Classic rock.
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