Soft Focus
A little while back Jimbromski mentioned Mark E. Smith and And I'm here to not only relate the two but also mention one of my favorite people to see at DC shows - Ian Svenonius. Typically, when I see a celebrity I leave them alone. Doesn't matter if they're A-Listers like Harrison Ford or D-Listers like the local weatherman. I may be the "jock sniffer" of Rock Club but I'm polite enough not to bug people. Usually. After seeing Ian at a number of shows, I finally broke down and introduced myself, said how much I enojyed his music and his talk show. Then I asked to massage his balls. He graciously accepted the offer.
Ian's show on is called Soft Focus. He has interviewed musicians such as Ian Mackaye, Henry Rollins, Will Oldham, Chan Marshall (Cat Power), Bobby Gillespie (The Jesus and Mary Chain), and famous animal lover, Mark E. Smith from The Fall. In part 1 of the interview he explains why he's no longer a soccer fan:
funny funny
Mark E. Smith talks too fast, I can't follow him
I can't believe that's a four part interview, they should have spliced together everything MES said, it would have taken 7 minutes or so.
BTW, I've been watching that series on North Korea. It's fucking insane. It's amazing a whole country can be so warped. Their whole trip is absurd.
I say our next road trip is to North Korea.
Bobby was the drummer for JAMC for a bit in the early days but you might know him a little better as the front man of Primal Scream.
I was going to say so, Foster, but I don't want to kill Jumbo's self-esteem by pointing out the numerous errors in every post.
Jumbo, those North Korea vids should give you insight into what your wife is capable of if you don't keep your pimp hand strong.
PS--technically not an error, as I said, more along the lines of saying something like "Paul McCartney, best known as the lead singer of Wings..."
This should come to no surprise to Jimbromski but I've never listened to Primal Scream (that I know of). I love the J&MC so maybe I'll enjoy Primal Scream as well.
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