Rock Club Cinema -- Watch This Space
There's a new movie debuting at the Cannes Film Festival about Joy Division. All the actors are unknowns--the Ian Curtis character was working in a laundry before he caught the break. New Order gave it the thumbs up:
Last night, amid rumours and counter-rumours that they had split, the three remaining members of New Order, to which Joy Division changed its name after Curtis's death, flew in to support the film. According to Corbijn, "New Order hardly agree on anything, but all agree that they love the film."I hope this will be shown in a theater somewhere in DC--maybe the E St joint? If not, we'll catch it on DVD. Remember, in addition to being legendary post-punk pioneers, Joy Division are also 2006 Thorkelson Award winners.

UPDATE: I am a twat. The name of the movie is, fittingly enough, Control. Also, I could have sworn I included a link to the original article. Anyway, it's now linked (above) and if you missed it, here it is again: link.
So what's the name of the movie? Posting about a movie w/o naming it might get you labeled "a twat".
I'd really like to see this, if it comes to town. I know little of bands like Joy Division, New Order, The Smiths, etc. Such bands were banned in Upstate NY during the '80s.
Okay, I fixed the post plus admitted to general twatitude.
Your lack of exposure to these bands explains your love of grunge, is my theory. I was too sophisticated.
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