My parents are cleaning out their house and have been foisting all my old shit back unto me. I suspect they're clearing space so they can turn my old room into an S&M dungeon (safe word: puppies) like they've always wanted to. One side benefit was that I've been reunited with my long lost posters from high school.
It was cool to see some of my old wall cover so I snapped a few photos to share with everyone.
This is my giant Smiths poster. It's from the Meat Is Murder tour. As stated near the top of the poster, they were touring with James, which was an added bonus as that is my name. That's my son Jude sitting on the poster. I put him on there for scale--he's about the size of a Thanksgiving turkey, so you can see how big the poster is.
In this picture, I have replaced smackhead drummer Mike Joyce with Jude. Savour the flavour of murder, boy.
This is my other giant poster--New Order. Giant posters were big in the 1980s. Do people still hang giant band posters? I have no idea. I made this picture black & white. Any picture shot in black & white immediately becomes more arty. Don't ask me why, ask an artist why that's so. That's my dog Babette sitting on the poster. She's half-Weimaraner so this is an homage to the video for "Blue Monday," in which a Weimaraner played a prominent role.Last one--Happy Mondays. I couldn't get a good shot of this one because I'm a shitty photographer. The band's on the Staten Island Ferry, just off of Battery Park. Who would have thought that Shaun Ryder would outlast the Twin Towers? Not me. Ask Sacklunch about the Black Grape concert he went to at the 9:30, he said it was the most pathetic show he's ever attended.
Yeah, that Black Grape show was terrible. I think there were like 100 people at the 930 Club. A very overweight Sean Ryder was wearing a satin Celtics jacket. I think he may have been "clean" at the time. Not good.
Also, I think I still have a very large Joy Division poster in my parents basement. With the new surge of Ian Curtis-mania, I think I could probably sell it on eBay for mucho dinero....
Hey Jimbromski, didn't you have a Suede poster as well?
No Suede poster, but I do have a wall-sized poster of your mom giving a blumpkin to John Popper of Blues Traveler.
Is he completely nude, or is he wearing that "vest of 100 harmonicas"? BTW, didn't John Popper die?
Vest and nothing else, it's wicked sexy. He died as from the blumpkin, that's why the poster is so valuable.
Ok now this is the kind of banter I come to to read. Harsh, smack ya in the head kind of talk.
Which is a good thing, because the photos of cute babies (and Jude is definitely a cute baby) and puppies are an odd creative choice for this blog genre. Of course, the word "genre" is also an odd choice for this blog, but I digress ...
Keep the smack talk coming guys. I'm still chuckling over ))--((
impressive selection. fyi, read: "big posters" -- I apparently have reached the age where unframed posters are no longer welcome. Plus its hard to find "big posters" of bands you like, unless all you listen to is Marley and the Doors.
Yeah, unframed are no longer allowed.
I have a Spoon poster (from their tour of Australia, I got it from their website) but it had to be framed and even then it was banished to the basement.
Here it is:
Sack has a bunch of framed band posters that are pretty cool.
The Age of the Giant Poster is over, I guess.
I have never had a music poster, but if I did I would want that baby on it. He looks like he can rock! Where is the requisite baby rocker Maddox Jolie-Pitt hairdo?!
Could you do a tribute to the U2 WAR album with your baby?! Thanks!
That Black Grape show was genius; a so bad it was good kind of thing. There were about a 100 people in the crowd at the 9:30 Club. It felt like a warehouse. Bez couldn't get a visa for the US, so the built-in entertainment value of seeing him flail around was eliminated from the jump. The rapper guy, Kermit, also didn't make the show, so they had a stand in. I think he qualified as a stand in because he too was black and had a similar build to Kermit. With a depleted team/band, you would have thought Shaun Ryder would have risen to the occasion and belted out an unforgettable performance. Unfortunately, he was so drug-addled that he basically stood still at the front of the stage and slurred the lyrics into the mic. Good entertainment.
Sacklunch isn't a good judge of these things. At the time his favorite shows were put on by Phish, Grateful Dead, Blues Traveller, Rusted Root and whatever other hippie jam bands were appearing in the metro area.
Likma, how did you get all the way from the Indian subcontinent to the 9:30 Club? Amazing.
And again with Blues Traveler. "Popperblumpkin" would be a good name for a children's book character, like Rumplestiltskin.
Those pictures crack me up. I love the look Morrisey is giving Jude in the second picture.
My safe word: "cinnamon". Sometimes the wife likes to pretends she doesn't hear it.
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